Challenge: In a world where people are looking for authentic dining experiences, it can be difficult for local businesses to stand out and for consumers to find and trust them. Many online review platforms have unreliable ratings and reviews, making it challenging for users to make informed decisions about where to eat.
Solution: A platform that provides a trustworthy and transparent way for local businesses to showcase their authenticity and for users to discover and share their experiences.
Solution: A platform that provides a trustworthy and transparent way for local businesses to showcase their authenticity and for users to discover and share their experiences.
What is Authentica?
Authentica is a mobile app that allows users to provide feedback on their dining experiences, helping to shape a positive community of food enthusiasts who appreciate and celebrate diverse culinary traditions.
This was a submission for Forge’s 2023 Designathon where we were tasked to design an app in roughly 36 hours. The track the team and I chose was culture and when we thought of culture we thought of food. For our low-fidelities, we all researched similar food and social media apps and picked out features we all liked from each app. We looked at apps like Yelp, Beli, GrubHub, Tiktok, Bumble, and Instagram.
Main Features of App
User Personas
Mid-Fidelity Wireframes
Brand Identity
After the mid-fidelity phase, we experimented with various typefaces and colors to establish Authentica’s identity. We wanted to use typefaces that were trendy, new, and accesible. We wanted a logo that would allude to the app purpose, hence the checkmark. For colors, we experiemented between teal and the current colors, but felt that oranges and reds signified hunger and food rather than wellness like the teal did.
High-Fidelity Wireframes
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